Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chapter Four: Megalpolis

This is a birds eye view of downtown Miami, FL

Although Megalopolis does not directly apply to my location, it is similar in certain ways. As I learned from our textbook, Megalopolis consists of tall buildings, busy streets, crowded housing, industrial plants, traffic, etc.

Upon searching many websites, I found one with a helpful chart to give us an idea of Downtown Miami's Demographics. ( )

Similarly to the largest cities in Megalopolis, Land is a great demand in areas near downtown Miami.

Additionally, I learned that Miami does not have an issue with congestion. As our textbook states under the "Accessibility and Density" section, congestion "occurs when activity sites become so densely packed that the level of interaction between them so intense that the routes for interaction become overcrowded" However, this seems to not affect Miami as much as it does to other cities.

Additional sources:

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